Saturday 9 March 2019

Peman e Azal By Prof Ahmad Rafique Akhtar ISlamic PDF Book

Peman e Azal By Prof Ahmad Rafique

Peman e Azal By Prof Ahmad Rafique Akhtar Islamic PDF Book free download or read online. This Urdu book Peman e Azal pdf is accumulations of addresses about the lessons of Islam. He talked about the general population to act as per Islamic lessons in his normal life. He reminded the general population about their guarantee with Allah. Teacher Ahmed Rafique likewise discussed the beginning of the universe in Peman e Azal. He said about the production of the man and the account of his arrival on earth. He utilized the assessments of cosmologist and anthropologists for Islamic views. The writer of the book is a well known Islamic researcher, scholarly, logician, and essayist. He is clarifying Islam recently. He utilized logical research and philosophical speculations for references.
ISlamic PDF Book

islamic books urdu



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