
Sunday, 10 March 2019

Iqbal Aur Mulla By Dr Khalifa Abdul Hakeem Urdu Book PDF

Iqbal Aur Mulla By Dr Khalifa

Iqbal Aur Mulla By Dr Khalifa Abdul Hakeem Urdu Book PDF free download or read online. get the best Pakistani and Indian books in PDF format. This Urdu book is about the thinkings and lessons of Hazrat Allama Iqbal. He was an extraordinary writer and scholarly in United India. He drove the Muslims in governmental issues and mindful them about the Hindu mentality. Allama Iqbal was the primary Muslim pioneer who gave the possibility of the parcel of India. Iqbal is respected as a conspicuous artist by Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and other universal researchers of writing. In spite of the fact that Iqbal is best known as a prominent artist, he is additionally an exceedingly acclaimed "Muslim philosophical scholar of present day times". His first verse book, Asrar-e-Khudi, showed up in the Persian language in 1915, Dr Khalifa Abdul Hakeem was a popular researcher and author. He had a superb direction of Iqbaliyat and invested much energy with Allama Iqbal. In this book, he dissected the lessons of Iqbal about the Mullaism.

Iqbal Aur Mulla Urdu book

Allama Iqbal Aur Mulla



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