Saturday 29 November 2014

Upload Book

You can upload your book to Kitaboona.
You can Scan your own book or you may do this by bought from any Library or person.

We have Two Options.
•> Either you take images from book (Try to zip it with the help of WinRAR)  and send to us by Email:
You may upload book to some where on internet and send us link via our Contact Us Form.

•> You can also Upload your Scanned book by dragging and droping to bellow form, this will upload your book and we will update book with your name and you will be indexed on our Contributors page.

Upload your file, by just drag and drop your file to bellow form:

Or you can do it HERE as well.

NOTE: Please note some points before you upload book to our blog:
•>> Please make sure to search your book title in Google or some where if its already scan by some one before you, if this is the case, please dont scan it again,
•>> Please search for your book title in our Books Index, If its already available please don't upload it again.
• >>We dont accept any book downloaded from any other blog, Our blog have purely books uploaded by our own Community.
• Once you have scan book and it uploaded to Kitaboona, it then is a property of our's, and we and other people have rights to share and re-Upload to any where on Web Community.
•>> If you dont aggree to our these terms please Leave and dont bother to Upload your book.
•>> We are here to help community by easy access to knowledge. Try to make it easy. :)

Happy Book Uploading ;)
Don't forget to view your Ranking HERE, Try to grab 1st Position. :)

Best Regards:
Team Kitaboona,



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