Wednesday 28 May 2014

How To Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger

Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger
Blogger is a flexible blogging platform where we can do the things easily. Unlike WordPress and other platforms, you can easily edit any part of your blog easily with Blogger and can also do hacks with it if you've a bit web developing knowledge. There are many free and paid blogger templates which you can use to beautify your blog but one thing you might have faced while applying new template. Sometimes, when we apply any new template on our blog it contains some locked widgets in blogger layout which we can't remove easily as the remove or delete options vanishes away from the widget. For example, you might have seen Navbar and Attribution widgets by default which are also locked. So, in this tutorial, we'll learn that how can we remove locked widgets in blogger.

Something About Removing Locked Widgets

When we're aimed to create professional blog specially on Blogger platform it's important to take care of each and every part. Blogger Layout page is an area where we can manage widgets easily. As I already said that sometimes some templates contain locked widgets that can't be removed easily. Those widgets might contain some content which we don't want to display on our blog and here it's necessary to remove them. Removing those widgets is not much difficult for those who've knowledge of web designing and development but newbies may face problem in it. By default, there is an attribute in Blogger specially for widgets to lock and unlock them. The Blogger's widget coding like the below code.
<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='true' title='Widget Title' type='HTML'>
You can see that highlighted attribution for locking widgets. If I replace "true" to "false" then the widget will become removable. So, That's the real fact behind locked widgets in blogger. Those who're interested in making blogger templates can also learn new point from it.


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